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Budu Drive Letter Utility

Budu Drive Letter Utility

BuduDriveLeterUtility.exe as a utility to help and easy to change the partitions drive letter, can be 8 partitions at one time, Can be used to manage many External USB HDD drive letter with a function to set partitions data and autofill partitions and letter as in seting Every time you conect USB HDD even different computers Suitable for use as portable software which runs from the External HDD or USB Flashdrive


 ##> How to Use :

For normal use, run the software, select patititions, select a drive letter, and press submit button and confirmation button to change the drive letter as chosen.

For repeated use or has many external (USB) hdd and partition drive to be assigned a drive letter, The save data partitions according to use. Whenever BuduDriveLetterUtility executed when External HDD is connected, the software will autofill combobox as specified in the settings, simply press 'Submit' and confirmation button to change drive letter.

Budu Learning Tools

BuduLearningTool.exe, Easy to open HelpFile.chm url by selected program language keyword from most text editor

This software using menthod Copy,(send Ctrl+c) for get keyword and get extentions current file from title bar text editor(current file path or name as title most text editor),

#> RedyMade Support Script Langguage
1- Autoit3
2- AutoHotKey
3- Xyplorer

If want using For other program language keyword Or other kewyword HelpFile.chm from text editor, Extract url from Help.chm with 7z and find all keyword url in All .htm file, (many HelpFile.chm using keyword as .htm file name) and save in text file like .au3t, see sample format in BuduData Folder

#> How to Using : Extract BuduLearningTool.7z, Change to your correct data in ini seting like file path and other

Using for costum toolbar button(some text editor allow to using costum button)

1-Using Argument Command :


If not recent using, recomended using as Argument Command, because not runing as background, single instan every click button
For on Browsher NextItems, add 1 to On in BuduLearningTool.ini, e.g NextItems=1 and blank to SetKey e.g SetKey=

2-Select keyword in text editor and press button

Or Using Keybord Shortcut(for other text editor), To using Keybord Shortcut,(Default On)

1-To On Keybord Shortcut, Open BuduLearningTool.ini, see at SetKey Key, add 1 to On, Or Remove to Off(using as run agrument from button)
2-Run BuduLearningTool.exe
3-Select keyword in text editor and press F6 to find, If Next funtions On and software get more than one result, tooltip show above next keyword url, Press RIGHT erro to browsher next items or Press END to stop browsher

Note : most text editor can Using with Keybord Shortcut

                  Download  : Budu Learning Tools